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  • James Doherty II

The Screen Test - Review

An old-timey Hollywood tale seeing the incredibly committed and talented Bebe Cave take her character Betsy through incredible hardship while incorporating modern and classic humor. This was the first preview, and like in most shows, many multimedia issues arose, but Cave worked through them like an absolute professional. I cannot imagine the difficulty, especially since it is a one-person show! I always set aside any production issues in my reviews and go straight for the content. Cave presents a fun story with genuinely great gags and diving right into the '30s and '40s Hollywood aesthetic. The ending is honestly incredibly written a a sharp choice, but the hour was inconsistent. The hilarious parts were balanced by the not-so-great parts, leading to an overall meh show. If this was a 30-minute show, it would definitely go up to five stars, but at its current length, it needs some punch-ups from seasoned writers. There is no doubt, however, that Cave is capable of absolute greatness and whatever you throw at her! ⭐⭐⭐


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