Lewis Major: Lien - Review
One-on-one theatre is becoming a Fringe movement within the Fringe, and Lien showcases the best of this form.
Walking into a dark dance theatre and sitting down in one of two chairs on stage across from a dancer, then having a lovely conversation about our lives, dreams, and inspirations, finishing with them sharing incredible vulnerability by dancing to a beautiful piano piece, this show is unlike any around.
Clementine, the dancer, is incredibly kind and passionate about her life and dance; it's lovely to make a new friend and see their passion shine through, all in the course of 10 minutes.
Afterward, they offer you the ability to relax in a room and readjust to the world. At first, I didn't think this mattered (and I had another show to get to), but it was shocking how different I felt leaving that building. I was calmer and in a smoother mind state.
A type of meditation mixed with dance and friendship. Truly a MUST SEE.